10 quotes from the Dalai Lama that will make you smile

10 frases del Dalai Lama que te sacarán una sonrisa

The leader or representative of Tibetan Buddhism and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, or better known as the Dalai Lama, is well known and loved by both believers and practitioners of other religions. Currently, the holder of this title is Tenzin Gyatso, who was born on July 6, 1935.

What makes it so popular? The Dalai Lama’s approach to religious belief is fundamentally different from that of many Western religions, relying much more on reasoning and the formation of the mind than on faith. This undoubtedly gives it a much more human, more understandable and much more earthly character.

Thus, its great popularity and acceptance is largely due to the simplicity with which it addresses the problems of everyday life, including the great question or challenge of all beings that inhabit the earth: the pursuit of happiness.

In 2000, the Dalai Lama wrote a list of 18 points that all people should follow to achieve happiness and live in full harmony, regardless of their nationality and beliefs.

Over the years, he has always advocated one central idea, and that is that supreme happiness must be sought within oneself, and to do so, we must master our mind. How? Through three simple steps: meditating, knowing yourself better and living in peace and harmony with others. In his book The Art of Happiness you will see that, after having conquered his own inner peace, he teaches you that happiness is not a gift, but rather an art that requires will and constant practice.

The Dalai Lama and the Sense of Humor

He is also well known for his sense of humor. The Dalai Lama knows how to find joy in any situation, and this is something that becomes contagious, that generates charm. His good sense of humor has been an essential ingredient that has allowed him to quickly win over large crowds.

In an interview with the Dalai Lama conducted by CNN, the leader of Tibetan Buddhism indicated that we should all allow ourselves to play, joke and find the funny in life. He comments that in his book entitled My Spiritual Journey he considers himself a “professional rower” and says that he comes from a cheerful family where fun and jokes were never lacking at home.

The Dalai Lama comments that using humor allows people to be more empathetic, learn more and make more friends, all leading to greater overall well-being.

“Thinking only about the negative aspect does not help to find solutions and destroys peace of mind,” he writes. “I love smiles and I want to see more smiles, real smiles… If we want those smiles, we must create the reasons that make them appear.”

Here are our 10 favorite Dalai Lama quotes inspired by happiness that brought a smile to our faces. We hope you do too!

1. “Almost all the good things that happen in the world are born out of an attitude of appreciation for others.”

2. “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”

3. “Give your loved ones wings to fly, roots to return to and reasons to stay.”

4. “If you desire the happiness of others, be compassionate. If you desire your own happiness, be compassionate.”

5. “The greater the level of calmness of our mind, the greater our capacity to enjoy a happy life.

6. “Remember that not getting what you want sometimes means a wonderful stroke of luck.”

7. “Both believers and non-believers are human beings. We should have great respect for each other.”

8. “Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.”

9. “Open your arms to change, but do not let go of your values”.

10. “Although there are different religions, due to different cultures, the important thing is that they all coincide in their main objective: to be a good person and help others.

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